- Tidying is Contagious
- My Cure, Day 14: Paperless Office
- My Cure, Day 13: Flowers, Bedroom Zen
- My Cure, Day 12: Declutter My Book & Music Collection
- My Cure, Day 10 & 11: Take a Media Fast
- My Cure, Day 9: Create a Landing Strip
- My Cure, Day 8: Kitchen Organizing & Cleaning, Find a Recipe and Try it Out
- My Cure, Day 6: Frame a Piece of Artwork Hiding in the Closet
- My Cure, Day 7: Plan Your February Get-Together!
- My Cure, Day 5: Complete One Project on Master “To Do” List
- My Cure, Day 4: Get a Fresh Perspective in 10 Minutes
- My Cure, Day 3: Weekend Chores, Make Green Cleaners, & Buy Flowers
- My Cure, Day 2: Set Up Your Outbox
- The January Cure
Sun shining into my bedroom is my favorite thing during the day! But come evening or better yet Saturday mornings, I love my room dark & warm. With that being said the color palette in my room is warm & bright with just enough rich color to make it feel luxurious & soft. I began with a vintage sheet my sister thrifted years ago & choose to make it into curtains for my bedroom. From the newly upcycled curtain, I began pulling my color palette: mustard, white, & faint honey. These warm colors have always made me feel happy & safe, they remind me of thrifting as a young teen & finding old sweaters that I loved for years & some I still have.(Oh wow!! Now that’s an idea when I get sick of those old sweater!! Find a place for them as pillows on my bed!-ALWAYS inspired!)
My second statement piece for the bedroom is an old folding window. I found it in the alley at my old apartment just before I had moved. It was leaning up against a brick wall & it was stunning, old & white, although I had one problem; The glass in the window was not real, it was dull & worn, foggy plexy glass. With some help of a friend & a hairdryer, we began warming up the caulk that so tightly held the plexy & would scrape the caulk off in small sections. Once all the windows were removed, I began planning the prints that I wanted to apply to the 6 window openings. There were 2 prints I’d found & loved. My boyfriend had purchased some film for me, on the bag were many brown cameras(I collect cameras) & a dinner menu with a buck’s majestic head in plum. I had to use these 2 found objects with beautifully unique prints. I took each print & enlarged one, shifted another & continued until I had 6 individual but coordinating pieces of art, mounted them to the folding window frame & hung as my headboard.
Now lets get to the point here! Your bedroom is your sanctuary & the cleaner more organized it is, a better nights sleep you get! I took my bed apart brought it out into my kitchen for the afternoon while throwing my sheets in the washer, and then went to work on washing the walls, dusting the wall art & mirrors, and finally washing the baseboards & sweeping mopping the floors. I only launder my curtains in the fall & spring so the warm air isn’t left loose. And then back everything goes!
This might be my easiest room to clean because it only holds my bed & a nightstand, which now hold a lovely vase of wildflowers.
Below is Maxwell’s take on the Cure’s Bedroom Clean Sweep! http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/
Get cleaning!
Beautiful Mind | Organized Home
Day #13 Assignment: Weekly Flowers and Bedroom Cleaning
First up, a quick note: we are absolutely, most definitely, without a doubt well past the halfway point of the Cure, which means you are on the downhill ride to the finish line. Take a minute to appreciate all the effort you’ve invested so far and then, keep on moving forward! This weekend is focused on your bedroom, so without further ado, and at the risk of sounding like a cartoon mom, it’s time to “clean your room!”…
In the Eight Step Home Cure, Maxwell reminds us that the bedroom just might be the most important room in our homes. He writes, “It is where you will spend the greatest amount of time when at home and where your health will be most directly affected if you don’t sleep well”.
So, let’s get to it.
This Weekend’s Assignment:
• Pick up and display your weekly flowers.
• Give your bedroom a good, deep clean. This should be a very thorough job. The aim is to rid the room of as much dust and potential allergens as possible. Here is a sample guideline deep clean plan:
• Pick up and put away all clothes, books and belongings• Declutter surfaces (remove change, jewelry, etc and put in proper places)• Strip the bed• Launder all bedding, including mattress and pillow covers • Flip and/or rotate the mattress• Vacuum out the closet• Vacuum curtains with brush attachment and/or clean blinds• Clean windows and mirrors • Dust all surfaces and wipe down light switches, fixtures and ceiling fan• Push aside the bed, side tables and dressers and vacuum/clean under them• Remake the bed• Enjoy a sound sleep in your freshly cleaned room!
And, if you want to take the Cure even further this weekend:
• Do a closet and dresser drawer purge. (Filling up that outbox!)
Now that your room is really clean and more organized, how about making a pact with yourself to always make the bed? It’s a habit that really does help to lower stress and up the happy factor. Here’s a post to help convince you…• Make Your Bed! For Productivity, Profit and Peace