I fell in love with making paper from scratch on a blustering cold winter day, in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood, through my friend Autumn! We were working on developing a line of paper goods to be proposed to Urban Outfitters as a luxury accessories concept. Who would’ve thought that 6 years later I would continue to be bat crazy about getting my blender out & tossing in some shredded magazines pages & pressing “Pulse” repeatedly.
I love sharing my love for the craft so much & thought I’d give my readers a really simple start to making their own paper at home. This video from CraftProjectIdeas.com is a great example of how to use things around your home to create the DIY tools you need to get started.
As you’re sifting the pulp & catching it with your screen, you can select the features in the paper you want to include, such as shreds that have “dream” typed on them or any other message you like-maybe personalized each sheet with your name somewhere. So you want to add these messages while your screen is just below the water line-all materials should get wet so everything dries together-the pulp is essentially the glue when adding selected paper items & placing them in your crafted sheets of paper.
Once you’ve made your pulp & have laid out on the table you can shape your edges(rounded corners, scalloped sides, etc…) & place dried flower petal to embellish the look of your paper.
I hope you fall in love with this art too!
If you are making your own handmade paper & have found techniques or new ideas that you’d like to share I’d love to hear from you!